Webcomics Weekly: Webcomics About Technology

Webcomics About Technology In Our Lives

This week's webcomics are about stuff that's very common in our lives. Perhaps maybe too common. We're talking about technology. 

Just a decade ago, technology in our lives was quite simpler. You had a phone that texted and called. Maybe a game console to pass your day with. A laptop, or a computer at home.

Nowadays, technology is just going at the speed of a freight train. We have everything from 3D printers, Cryptocurrencies, Wearables, to VR headsets. 

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Webcomic: It Fools a Monster

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And yes, there are many benefits to technology. For example, the fact that we can be connected to others at all times. It makes it easier for us to stay social. We'll never miss anything.  

But what if we're failing to connect in real life, because we're busy connecting with others through technology? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of why we adopted technology in the first place? 

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Webcomics: Honey Dill

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And technology is even more of a distress when we have to deal with it ourselves. Do we even understand exactly how various pieces of everyday technology work? The back end of technology is usually incredibly complicated. You do one thing, and then 5 things go wrong. Then you do 10 different things, and somehow something goes right, but you can never come to replicate it for some reason. 

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Webcomics: Heropie

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What's even worse though, is that somehow technology in our everyday life has gotten to our addictive sides, and have really captured our attention in every aspect possible. 

So many times, just a simple check on your messenger turns into an hour-long scrolling through of Facebook post after Facebook post. Often it'll be that we aren't even actually that entertained by what we're seeing. It's just a way to easily pass time. Kind of like eating fast food.  

Webcomic: Observations

Webcomic: Observations

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Maybe you're reading these webcomics on a computer or a phone right now.

Yet, it's very beneficial to take a break from technology every now and then. Technology should enrich our lives, instead of us dragging ourselves behind it like zombies. You may feel that you might miss out on things, but you can feel free to take your time. You don't need to check everything at the exact moment that it happens. There's simply so much more to life than chasing red bubbles on the Internet. 

But do make sure to read a lot of webcomics, because they're awesome.